Make The Conticello Law Firm Your Florida Veterans Benefits Attorneys
Why Do I Need A Florida Veterans Benefits Attorney?
First, if you are a Veteran you may qualify to receive a variety of federal benefits. The VA system is complex and can be frustrating.
DON’T GO IT ALONE!!! A qualified Florida Veterans benefits attorney, such as the CONTICELLO LAW FIRM, can assist you to navigate the ins and outs of the Veteran Benefits system, and could save you a significant amount of time and hassle. To us you are not just another number in the system. Attorney Anthony Conticello is VA accredited to represent clients dealing with VA Benefits.
What Types of VA Benefits Are Available?
There are several different types of VA Benefits offered including:
- Mortgage Programs;
- Medical Care;
- Skilled Nursing Programs;
- Housing Assistance;
- Compensation and Pension (Aid and Attendant);
- AND MORE … Go to the VA’s Website at VA.GOV to see what are available.
CONTICELLO LAW FIRM Focuses on VA Pension Benefits – Including Aid and Attendance, and Housebound Benefits
At its most basic level, these specific types of VA benefits (Pension benefits) are available to veterans who served in the United States armed services, and were either disabled, or served during a designated “wartime” and must be at least 65 years old or older to be considered eligible to obtain these benefits.
Whether you qualify and the type of VA Benefits you can receive, depends on a variety of factors which the Conticello Law Firm will assist you with. Our firm focuses our legal services to help Veterans who need VA Pension or Compensation benefits (such as Aid and Attendance, or Housebound ).
What Are VA Pension Benefits, And What Are Enhanced VA Benefits?
VA Pension benefits are designed to assist aged or disabled veterans, or their surviving spouses, maintain a subsistence income. There are several criteria that you must meet to qualify for VA Pension benefits.
The VA also has programs for situations when a Veteran receiving a VA Pension may need “extra” funds to live on. These “enhanced pension” award can kick in when a Veteran is expending extended amounts to cover the cost of their care. These programs are meant to provide funding for situations when a Veteran requires long-term care.
A qualified Veteran may be eligible to obtain VA “Housebound” award, VA “Aid & Attendance” award, or both.
How Can The Conticello Law Firm Help You?
The Conticello Law Firm assists Veterans in Florida with their Elder Law and Elder Care needs. Attorney Anthony Conticello is an accredited by the VA to represent Veterans obtain these benefits. As part of the Conticello Law Firm’s Elder Law and Elder Care attorney services, we typically go over a Veteran’s specific situation, analyze their assets and income, and determine if they qualify or could qualify for VA Benefits and other governmental benefits such as Florida Medicaid benefits. VA Accredited attorney, Anthony Conticello then works with you to come up with a customized plan, and assists you in applying for VA and potentially other governmental benefits.
The Conticello Law Firm is located in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. We offer Veteran Benefits attorney services in Tallahassee and throughout the entire State of Florida.
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